Network Topology


Network Topology


 The physical arrangement of various nodes in a network is referred as network topology.


 Depending upon the various physical arrangements, some network topologies are as following:-


1.    Bus topology

2.    Star topology

3.    Ring topology

4.    Mesh topology

 Bus topology


 In this topology all nodes of the network are linked with a single communication line. This communication line is referred as Bus or Backbone cable. Data can be travel in both directions.




1.    It is a single cable network, so its installation is quite easy.

2.    It requires less cable.

3.    It is easy to insert or delete a node in the network.




1.    It is difficult to detect and correct errors in the network.

2.    Any change in backbone can cause entire network failure


Star topology


 In Star topology all computers of network are connected to central Hub or Server.




1.    Each node is directly connected to server so fault identification is easy.

2.    It is easy to insert or Delete node.

3.    Any damage in single node does not impact on remaining network ( except damage in server) 




1.    Central computer is having high load and thus must be very powerful.

2.    Failure of central computer results in failure of entire system.



Ring topology


Every computer in this topology is connected to its nearest computer in such a way that entire computer forms the shape of ring.




1.    One cable is needed to connect every node, so it requires less cable and less space.

2.    Every node is given equal chance to transmit data.

3.    If one computer fails then it does not damage the working of entire network.



1.    Insertion of new node is difficult as it results in disconnection of some nodes.

2.    It is difficult to detect and correct errors.

3.    Addition of a new node increases the transmission delay.

Mesh topology


 Every computer in this network topology is connected to remaining other computers of network.




1.    In case of any media failure signal can be bypass through the other route.

2.    Fault detection and correction is easy due to point to point link.




1.    Its installation is quite complicated.

2.    It uses many input output ports and lengthy cables.

3.    Insertion and deletion of node is quite difficult because it requires making connection and disconnection to every other node.
